Sunday, July 7, 2013

Travel Troubles

I traveled to Virginia this past weekend for one of my college roommates wedding (the BEST wedding I've been to so far!) Everyone has gone off for a weekend trip and left their cell phone charger at home and had to pick one up at the nearest store.  The knee component of my prosthetic is a C-Leg so it has a computer in it and it needs to be charged like any cell phone. On my first flight to Atlanta I was thinking about going to bed when I got to Richmond. The light bulb went off and I opened my eyes and freaked out. I had forgotten my leg charger at home. I was going to be gone for 4 days. There is no way the leg is going to last that long and unfortunately you can't just go buy a charger like you can for cell phones. I called my mom in between flights and asked her to FedEx it to me priority Overnight for Saturday delivery. She went to the airport to see if she could get it on the next flight to Richmond and I could just go pick it up at the airport. We played this game a few years ago when i ordered new golf clubs on eBay and the seller shipped them to my house in Houston, only I was in Ithaca, New York playing in a charity golf tournament the next day. It worked that time. I drove to Rochester to pick them up! It didn't work out as nicely this time. The only option we had was to FedEx priority overnight Saturday delivery. Thank you to the lady at FedEx that was so generous and made it a lot easier! I was so worried that it would be delayed and that I would not have time to charge it before the 4:30 wedding. 

Friday afternoon was about the 36 hour point since the leg had been charged and I was preparing myself to have to walk stiff legged if we went anywhere(I wasn't going to miss out on any of the fun). I called Jon, my prosthetist, I told him my situation and he said that it would probably last 40 hours and that I would probably have a dead leg by the time I went to bed on Friday night. His take on the unfortunate event was, "Well at least for a few hours you forgot you were an amputee!" When I woke up Saturday morning, the leg STILL was not dead. I was kind of disappointed, I really wanted to see what would happen when it is not charged. I now know that the charge in my leg will last longer that 48 hours. 

The hotel phone rang at 11:15am on Saturday morning, it was the concierge; FedEx had just arrived! Sydney ran over to the front office and got my package and got my leg charging for the wedding festivities! 

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