Friday, July 19, 2013

"Oh Lord"

My senior year of college a friend and I went shopping for gifts for our secret sophomores; of course we ended up on the candy isle. What gift is complete without a chocolate bar? She had pointed to something she wanted from the top shelf. I'm pretty short. So is she. I went to reach for it and I think she stepped back and my prosthetic foot got caught up in the mix. I didn't realize anything was wrong until I was on the floor. In fact we were both on the floor laughing. We were close to the checkout lines and two older men looked our way and one had begun to walk over to try to help. When he got closer he noticed that my prosthetic had popped off and was lying in front of me. In a loud, shocked tone, he said, "Oh Lord!" Now I was in central Virginia so naturally the gentleman had a pretty good southern drawl and it sounded more like "Oh Lawd!" This didn't help our laughing situation. 

The gentleman offered to help me,but when I'm in that situation, it's kind of hard to explain to someone what they can do to help. What was I supposed to do, ask him to hold my leg while I get up? I declined his help. He went back over to his friend and they looked back our way and he told his friend, "She won't let you help her." It wasn't that I wouldn't let him help me, but it was more I didn't know how to tell him how he could help me. Some things are just easier done myself. I don't think I could ever let anyone put my leg on for me. In fact, I think the first time I ever put my prosthetic on, I put it on myself. It probably took 5 times, but nevertheless.

I have recently become better about letting people help me more. I don't fall much anymore since I have the C-leg, but if I drop something and someone offers to pick it up, sometimes I'll let them. I know I could get it myself, but I've learned that most people feel the need to help and sincerely want to.

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