This weekend is Homecoming at Sweet Briar, one of the most beautiful campus' in America. As I am making my way back to Sweet Briar, I am reminded of my last week on campus as a student. It was Senior Week, the week after seniors took their finals and the week before graduation. There were events for us everyday. We floated the lake, went to the local Mexican restaurant and had a faculty vs. seniors kickball game, cocktail parties and luncheons, etc.
I was excited to participate in the kickball game. I didn't really know what my role would be, but I knew I was playing. At that time I had a "boring" hydraulic computer. We decided catcher would be the best position for me and when we were kicking, I would have a runner of my choosing. The game got a little more intense than I thought it would. There was a pretty new, young, male economic professor that joined the faculty and participated in our game. He got on base and even made it to third base. Next thing I know this guy is coming to home plate and it was going to be a close call. Naturally, I kneeled to block the plate as the ball was being thrown to me. The guy slide into home plate ( remember the plate was blocked by my knee, also remember my knee is titanium or something) HEAD FIRST!
The next day at lunch I saw him in the dining hall and had to comment on the giant goose egg just above his eye.